Annual Car tax due to but changed prefectures

Guys need to ask a quick question,
I moved from Tokyo to Kanagawa this March and have not changed the number plates yet to Kanagawa ( based on the reading it’s better to change but should be fine if not chnaged as well).

My question is I got a car tax payment notice from Tokyo city(auto forwarded by post) and have changed the address on my license but I know this information is not transmitted to car tax authorities.
Anyways what’s the best course of action I mean should I just pay it and forget or I should goto Kanagawa’s/Tokyo ward office ( transport office) and do something else like get tax certificate reissued or something?
Anybody In the same situation like this or can help me?
My very limited japanese skills also making me nervous.

  1. You should still pay it. Even if you pay for an “out of prefecture” road tax, it is still effective for your vehicle in your new prefecture.

  2. Yes, you need to pay it, you’ll need it for your next shaken (as far as I know, for them it does not matter if you paid in a different prefecture)

  3. tldr. Pay it

    Car tax bill is issued for the prefecture where the car was registered as of 1st of April given year.

    Ive had a similar situation except I changed the plates right away when moved but the car was still registered in the old prefecture during the 1st of April so I was issued a bill to the old address and the old license plate was on the bill as well despite already driving with a new plate for about a month.
    After calling them they basically said its already in their records that I have moved and have a new plate but since the tax is issued to wherever the car was registered on the 1st of April I can use the slip they sent me(to my old address with my old plate number) to pay it. The amount doesn’t change based on the prefecture so there’s nothing to worry

  4. Assuming you already changed the address in your residence card and drivers license, now you have to change the registration address of your car at the police station (not the ward office).

    You will need to take a document with a map of where you’re parking your car and a detailed diagram of your parking place, which you can get from your house management agency (and sometimes they charge for this).

    You will have to fill some paper forms and pay some money. Then they will ask you to come back after some time (around 2 weeks) to continue the process.

    Then you will have to go to the transportation bureau, take some papers that the police gives you, fill more forms and pay more money. After spending 1-2 hours there, you will get your shaken document with the new registered address.

    Japan loves their forms and complicated procedures for the simplest things.

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