Awesome noods at Tokyo Station (Nippon Ramen Rin)

Awesome noods at Tokyo Station (Nippon Ramen Rin)

  1. [Nippon Ramen Rin Tokyo (ニッポン ラーメン 凛 トウキョウ)]( is a ramen shop inside the gates of JR Tokyo Station, which means it is easily accessible for all people traveling through Tokyo station with local JR trains or with the Shinkansen. The clear advantage of this shop is that you don’t have to leave the gates of the JR station, which can potentially save you quite some money, if you are only transferring at Tokyo station.

    The shop offers a variety of ramen, but their shoyu ramen is clearly the most popular here and I recommend that you also go for it, if you make a visit to Nippon Ramen Rin. The soup is made with a light chicken broth, that is fragrant but not too heavy, ideal if you still have some travel ahead of you. The soy sauce seasoning is elegant and decadent, but not overpowering. I really liked the seasoning here, a well balanced soy sauce flavor that is probably made with a mix of soy sauces. The noodles are a clear highlight for me, perfectly matched to the delicate soup. They have a really good bite and slurp, overall really enjoyable to eat. On the topping side, you can see some quite uncommon menegi, some menma and a huge slice of chashu floating on top of the noodles. The additional egg is served on the side.

    If you would like to see a full review with my opinion of the shop, check out this short video: [](

    Or just ask me here if you have any questions!

  2. I tell people that you can probably eat a different type of ramen every day for a month without ever leaving Tokyo Station.

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