how cold are fall/winter in kobe/osaka?

hey all,

i’d like to know everyone’s thoughts on how cold it gets during the end/beginning periods of the year.

i’m going to kobe for an exchange in september, and i have absolutely NO idea what to bring for clothes. as soon as i’m there it’d still be summer, yet i’ll be leaving at the beginning of spring, with fall and winter in between. i’m very lost.

i’m from the eu (france) and it can get very cold in the winter here, especially at nighttime. so if anyone can give recommendations, it’d be great!

and before anyone says anything, i looked up the temperatures on various websites but it’s not very helpful.

for example, google states that the humidity level in france is higher than japan’s during some months; and about the same during summer. however, summers in japan are excruciatingly hot and feel heavier so it’s hard to find a comparison.

so, is it too cold to wear short skirts in the winter..?

i know it depends on the individual and how they withstand the cold but some feedback would be nice! 🙂

  1. I think that whatever you would wear in France in winter would be fine in Kobe. However, since it’s right on the water, the wind can be pretty sharp – bring a jacket or coat and a scarf and gloves and you should be fine. Also, the hills can be pretty steep, I’d recommend clothes that are easy to walk in. A lot of people wear skirts with thick tights or leggings; I don’t know how short you mean by “short” skirts, though. Personally I prefer jeans, but I’m American. 🙂

  2. Girls were short skirts year round.

    As for winter… Rarely ever snow. More likely you will just encounter rain. Does get cold at nights, you may notice it if your house doesn’t have the best of insulation.

  3. Osaka is about at the same latitude as the Lebanon, so even though the climates of the two are a little different, the winters in Osaka are usually milder than what you get in France (at least the Paris area, where I spent a lot of time in winter). I’d say, it rarely goes below 0°C. So “cold” is relative.

    Add the wind and it can become a little thorny, even more so with a short skirt, I think. The local school-girls, though, seem to be very resistant (or ignorant?) to bladder infections and soldier on in short skirts come snow or blizzard. You might ask them for their secret. The rest of the folks start to wear thick clothes, as soon as the air conditioners get turned off in autumn.

  4. Well, the winters aren’t necessarily that cold, it rarely drops below 0°C in Osaka winters. However, depending on where in France you’re living and what kind of houses you’re used to, you may feel cold inside during the winter, especially at school – Kobe/Osaka buildings aren’t known for their insulation… The wind and rain also add to the chilliness.

    Skirts are fine but I’d pack some warm stockings or leggings to wear with them, and also pack some warm trousers for outings on the coldest days. You’ll probably need a jacket suited for temperatures around 0°C, gloves, a scarf, and depending on your preference, something to wear on your head. Consider whether you will be taking trips up to the mountains or further north, since it will be colder.

    Merino wool socks and a set of merino wool long underwear is something I would seriously recommend. They’re usually pretty thin, so they can be worn under your daily outfits, but they keep you warm very effectively.

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