1 week itinerary check (2nd trip), help please


* AM arcade?
* 11:00 Yokohama Gundam – it moves
* Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 roller coaster and the ferries wheel provide a panoramic view of Minatomirai. cup noodle museum next to the amusement park,where you can make own cup noodles. short walk from Minatomirai will take you to Chinatown,where you can have lunch (maybe)
* Other than Chinese restaurants, there isn’t a whole lot else here, save a Chinese supermarket or two and a couple souvenir shops.
* Close-Act Theater 《White Wings》 5/28 (Sun) ①14:00~, ②16:00~, ③17:45~ ※About 20 minutes each ① Roppongi Hills Arena, ② Tokyo Midtown Plaza 1F, ③ Roppongi Hills Arena
* 7:30 pm – THE TOKYO MATRIX. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in Shinjuku



* Nikko Day Trip
* Grand Maze Palladium Takes an average of 40 minutes to complete
* Edo Wonderland (hours 9-5) Taking the free shuttle bus from JR Nikko Station is highly recommended. It’s about a 30-minute ride, and three buses depart from the station daily at 10:00, 11:40, and 13:25
* The bus also goes to Nikko Toshogu Shrine, so you can easily move from one sightseeing spot to another.
* Return to Tokyo.. Over 3 hours



* Akihabara
* New Namco arcade
* Maid cafe
* Haunted vending machines
* Manseibashi shopping complex to relax if you want next to railway
* Square Enix cafe
* FF14 Eorzea cafe – needs reservation!.
* Odaiba
* Statue of liberty
* Aquacity with ramen food theme park
* Divercity tokyo plaza with gundam
* Daiba game hall
* Tokyo trick art museum
* Rainbow bridge at night
* Miraikan museum (maybe?)



* 10am Ghibli Museum
* Kichijoji
* Shooting Bar EA
* Ikebukuro
* Animate flaghship store
* Sunshine city with Bandai Namco Cross store (new)
* Shinjuku – PM
* Shin Okubo Koreatown
* 2D Cafe
* Kankoku Yokucho
* Omoide Yokocho



* DisneySea



* Kamakura
* 鎌倉大仏, Kamakura Daibutsu) shrine Daibutsu-Kuzuhara-ga-oka Course (大仏-葛原が岡)- hiking With zeniarai benten on the way Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine + Komachi-dori shopping street
* Enoshima – set off \~noon
* Sea candle observation deck
* Enoshima shrine
* Samuel cocking garden
* Dragon Love Bell
* Iwaya caves + southern coast – do sunset at chigogafuchi abyss
* Shirasudon (shirasu donburi) – local food



* Nakano Broadway in AM
* Galaxy Harajuku? -interactive Teamlabs exhibit
* Mori Art Gallery Disney Interactive Exhibit, Roppongi



* Must take the Shinkansen
* Ghibli PARK (3.5 hours 1 way!)
* Nagano?
* 6/5 Monday (½ day – departure)
* Pokemon center? With half a day..



1. My biggest question/concern is making it to Ghibli park. All of our accomodations are in Tokyo. Is this day feasible?
2. Any tips/tricks to doing Tokyo Disneysea? I suspect it’s going to be packed.
3. Is the Mori art museum interactive Disney exhibit even good or worth it?
4. Nikko day trip will consist of only Edo Wonderland since we don’t have time for the shrines unfortunately. Just to double check it would be feasible to do as a day trip?

  1. ​

    Not sure if Ghibli Park is worth 8-9 hours commute (taking into account walk, finding directions, local transit in Nagano, buffer to wait for train, etc). Say then you spend 3hr eating/stopping for lunch+dinner+break – a 15HR day (7AM-10PM) left you with actually 3-4 hours to explore the Park and Nagano.

    The return ticket alone is $200+ per person with the Shinkansen….

    Ghibli Park is seen on many Youtube videos and I personally don’t think its worth making a detour, let alone 8 hour detour… maybe Ghibli Museum or Harry Potter Studio … or Puroland ..

  2. I feel like some of your days seem a little ambitious. (But maybe that’s just because I’m not as youthful as I was in my previous visits.) I’ve been to Japan 6 times and I think the best days were ones anchored around 2 major events or areas, leaving time for exploring, taking a break, and not feeling rushed. I also notice you’ve got two different cafes on the same day in Akiba, maybe change one of those to a different day or at least space them out so that you’re not sitting in cafes for like 3 hours in the same day.

    I’d also say that some of these day trips may not be worth it. We did a day trip to Tobu World Square (2 hours either way) and it ate up the whole day and did not feel like a wise use of our time. It was cool, sure, but there’s probably tons of cool stuff 10-15 minutes from wherever you’re staying, too.

  3. Regarding Disneysea you need to have clear plan of action. Your first port of call should be something far from the entrance as most people tend to go to places nearer the entrance.

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