what to do after getting new residents card?

So I renewed my residents card for the first time and just received it. Am I supposed to do something?

I will be updating my banks (if they ask, and some have). I will get a new my number card.

Anything else I’m missing?

Thanks in advance.

  1. City Hall, if you haven’t already.

    I was on NHI, and when it expired they thought I left Japan… they didn’t send me a new card but I sure did recieve pay slips for the new year…

  2. If you were so inclined as to use a My Number, you will need to go to city hall and take care of the card renewal. I’ll be doing the same this week! Hope the lines are short for you. 🙂

  3. You might want to update your bank even if they don’t ask; beats having your card declined when trying to withdraw money.

    It might happen when you have plenty of time to do the paperwork anyway, or it might happen on a friday night and leave you penniless till monday morning 🤣

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