A 20,000-sample twitter vote on whether the ambassador of America to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, should be expelled. 80% said yes.

A 20,000-sample twitter vote on whether the ambassador of America to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, should be expelled. 80% said yes.


  1. The context here seems to be quite important, eg. what sort of crowd is following the Twitter account which made the poll. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this looks to be a certain subset of extreme right-wing political junkies. So this information probably isn’t very useful, unless there is some value in knowing what this guy’s followers think.

  2. Missing the whole point. No one is hating LGBT. Matter of fact Japan has been introduced to this culture way back in their history, even in their music manga has alot of LGBT stuff. No one screaming to no one. The problem was an outsider is meddling on others country politics/legislature. By pushing it and pretending that Japan is a saudi arabia of asia. Sometimes the west need to be remind that at the end of the day japan is an asian country located in the middle of china and SEA and not at the centre of EU or NA.

  3. We shouldn’t be giving any publicity to any “twitter vote.” There’s zero credibility on its representation.

  4. the liberal white redditors always say “listen to the natives”. until the natives start disagreeing with them. then the natives become evil “right wing” who need to be educated even by force. this is the fate of any nation allied with US. you are never going to be equal or friend. you are always going to be below them. do US lawmakers take command from japanese ambassadors when they decide on domestic bills?? be honest. they don’t. we all know japan is a occupied nation since ww2. they are not sovereign.

  5. I see the deluded right wing weirdos who bot-farmed the twitter poll are on this page as well.

  6. Its one thing to support lgbtq rights but the dude wants pride parades like in the US and thats not gonna happen in Japan.

  7. While there are legitimate concerns regarding Rahm Emanuel a lot of the hysteria around his comments is driven by right-wing extremists and QAnon conspiracy theories. Furthermore, a lot of its just blatant anti-Semitism which links him to some type worldwide globalist Soros-backed conspiracy to destroy Japanese’s traditional culture and replace it with some type of “degeneracy”, as these people claim. I’m not sure how much leeway this vote has with most Japanese people.

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