Is focalin (dexmethylphenidate) legal in Japan?

I take medication for ADHD and would like to bring it for a 1 month business stay in Japan. I know Adderall is 100% banned and Ritalin (methylphenidate) is allowed, but I can’t find any information on dexmethylphenidate (a drug from the Ritalin family) from official Japanese government sources. I’m looking to bring less than the amount for which a yakkan shoumei is required.

It is not listed on the government’s list of controlled substances at all: [\_data/keitai/list.pdf](

Does anyone have any experience bringing this drug into Japan? Is it prescribed in Japan at all?
Thanks for your help in advance.

  1. Basically there are two criteria for medications in Japan.

    Customs and immigration maintains a blacklist of things that are not allowed to enter Japan full stop.

    The Ministry of health maintains a whitelist of things that are legal to sell (with various degrees of controls).

    If something isn’t on either list then you’re generally okay to import it from abroad. I mean if it’s legal to sell here you could still import from abroad but medication prices are controlled here so it’s usually cheaper to get it via prescription. Check out this guide:

  2. Searching in Japanese is always helpful. The Japanese for this is「フォカリンXR」(Focalin XR) and「デクスメチルフェニデート」(dexmethylphenidate).

    It appears that it is considered a controlled substance. You used to [be able to import it]( but all the websites I found now say they don’t stock is because it’s not allowed in Japan. Everything in Japanese I found directly ties it to Ritalin, so it’s most likely that it falls under that umbrella. (ie: 「リタリンを含む大部分の製品はデキストロメチルフェニデートとレボメチルフェニデートが 50:50 のラセミ体であるが、メチルフェニデートはデキストロ体のみが薬理活性を持つ。一部の国ではフォカリン (Focalin) など、純粋なデキストロメチルフェニデートを含む製品も流通している。」)

    Best to contact the Ministry of Health to double check — but I’m gonna say probably no.

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