Google says it will delete inactive accounts including youtube, what about Cure Dolly?

~~I was wondering if anyone knows if people are ensuring that Cure Dolly’s legacy will surive this.~~


~~I’m pretty sure I heard before, that some people have backed up her videos, but it would be a real shame to lose her youtube comments where she would interact with people.~~


~~I contacted the email address at her youtube channel, in case anyone monitors it.~~




EDIT: Apparently accounts that have videos uploaded will be safe from this as a person pointed out below.

  1. With how much content the account has on YT it would surprise me if it they just killed it off. But anything is possible with Google.

  2. If you search this sub, you’ll find that a couple of people have gathered the transcriptions of her videos. Even if the videos themselves can’t be saved, their content is still accessible.

  3. Pretty sure I read today that they are not going to delete accounts with videos.

  4. If you install yt-dlp ([]( then you can download your own copies. E.g. to download the first 2 videos (see the -I parameter) from her Organic Japanese course, use…

    yt-dlp –write-comments –write-subs -I 1:2 ‘’ -o ‘./%(playlist_title)s/%(title)s/%(id)s.%(ext)s’

    This will download the videos, subtitles (.vtt files) and comments (there’s a lot of useful additional info in the comments).

    The comments are in the files and are not easy to read, so they’ll need further processing to make them more readable. There’s a python script someone wrote to do this at [](

    Edit 1: I have only used this utility on a Linux desktop. It should also work on Windows, but the parameters may be different. Of course you should always use Linux where possible 🙂

    Edit 2: You might also want to install [mpv]( to easily play the videos with subtitles.

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