
Rock vs shibata

  1. Chop exchange for 1 minute. Shibata delays selling. Rock gets chopped again and leans slightly. He shakes it off Rock style and gets into Shibata’s face, nose to nose. Shibata yells and hits a series of elbows. Rock does the wiggle, falling to his knees. Shibata hits a knee and works over Rock on the mat. Rock is tall and able to get the rope break.

    Shibata kicks Rock in the side of the head and works him over with a rear chinlock. Rock sends him into the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Shibata pops up to no sell but Rock hits him with wiggle punches.

    Now Shibata is rocked. He leans against the ropes. Rock irish whip, tries for a Spinebuster, but Shibata catches him with a guillotine submission.

    Rock is tall enough to resist but Shibata has it on. They fight on the mat, trading holds for a minute or two. Rock ends up hitting Shibata with more wiggle punches and Shibata drops. Rock puts on the Sharpshooter.

    Shibata sells, and screams in pain. After about a minute of suffering, he flips Rock over and nails forearms to Rock’s face. Rock is overselling like a champ. Shibata is up and nails an elbow into the corner.

    Shibata suplexes Rock. Rock sits up. PK! He hits him. Rock oversells but is now down. Shibata picks him up, forearm forearm forearm forearm! He puts him in a sleeper. Rock goes foreverrrr… but finally gets his arm up. Redshoes points to Rock as he whips Shibata into the ropes. SPINEBUSTER! Shibata’s down. People’s Elbow. Budokan Hall pops for the rare American spot. He hits the elbow

    SHIBATA KICKS OUT! Rock is shocked. Shibata pops up and sits down. Rock is pissed. He gets down to Shibata’s level, Shibata tries to roll him up. Rock is more pissed. They go nose to nose. Massive pop. Forearms. Chops. Finally, Rock nails Shibata and attempts the Rock Bottom, but Shibata flips around and locks on a Crossface on the mat.

    Rock gets out, and when he to his knees, BAM! PK. He’s not down. Shibata goes again, Rock grabs the leg! He drops him down to the mat, locks on the Sharpshooter again.

    Shibata is screaming. For 2 minutes they keep going back and forth. Like WM13, Shibata ends up passing out. Redshoes calls it to boos but Rock has won, but Shibata has not, truly, been beaten.

    Rematch at the Tokyo Dome.

  2. That would be great however everyone is still waiting for the Rock to return and finally show Roman who is the Real Tribal Chief however that’s TBA

  3. Sorry but think this one of those matches that sounds great on paper but can end up being a train wreck because of the styles clash between the Competitiors

  4. Shibata charges at The Rock. SPINEBUSTER! PEOPLE’S ELBOW. 1! 2! 3!

  5. The Rock would die that day. Shibabta would singlehandedly save the DC movie franchise

  6. Honestly I think it would go a lot like Shibata Vs. Okada 2. Shibata beats the shit out of The Rock and could honestly beat him at a certain point if he wanted too, but he basks too much in the violence of the moment which allows the rock to grit his teeth, take everything on the chin and win through sheer will and experience

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