Are utilities companies sending out people for reminders instead of mail reminders these days?

Ive heard of utilities companies sending reminders in the mail to pay bills though having recently moved here i havent experienced such a thing. But today a man from the electric company came to my front door and i didn’t understand him at first but when I heard 電気 and 払います and some other words i was able to make out that he was asking me if i was able to pay my electric bill. I showed him the stamped bill i payed at the konbini yesterday and told him i already payed and he left. Are companies sending actual people for reminders these days? my japanese isnt the greatest so im a bit worried i might have misunderstood what he was trying to tell me, because i dont see a reason why they would send someone to my door to do somethings a small piece of paper in the mail can.

  1. I doubt they would waste time sending people to people’s homes to pay their bill. They send a reminder letter to pay by a certain date or they cut off their utilities.

  2. Perhaps he is the same person recording the usage? (not sure if this is fully automated or not)

  3. For water utilities, I’ve had it happen before but not for gas and electricity.

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