The next step…

I had an interview with a JHS/SHS through a recruitment agency and I thought I didn’t do so well but I got an email from the recruitment agency that the school wants me for the next school year. I emailed back that I am interested and would be willing to join them Full-time. I asked for an update a few days later but they haven’t heard anything from the school. (320-340k p/m).

In the same week, I had another interview through a different recruitment agency at a different JHS/SHS and the teachers at the school told me that they want me to join them full time. The pay is really low compared to what I am earning now at my current workplace. They would like me to email them back as soon as possible but I haven’t decided yet. (250k p/m and prorated in Aug/Dec).

What do you think I should do? Any advice would be most appreciated.

  1. Can’t you just call the recruiter? Surely you have their number?

    It’s not even a realistic choice here. You’re talking about like 1 million extra yen per year here with those prorated rates factored in.

  2. Is it a recruitment agency in which case you would be hired directly by the school or a dispatch company in which you would be hired by the dispatch company and outsourced to the school? The salaries, especially for the second position, seem rather low for a direct-hire positions.

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