みんなの日本語L24-8: こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. Write your sentences with “Te form +くれます”. I will correct your sentences for JLPT N5 Beginner and Intermediate level learners.

**①Improvement of Writing: Instruction**

1, See the below “☆Basic Example Dialogue”, Try to write single sentences or Dialogue style with Grammar topic **“**Te form +くれます**”** and post your sentences within 48 hours from posting this thread.

2, Beginner Level: It is OK to write just simple sentence by only Hiragana. (It is easy-to-read to make space between word and word). A lot of mistakes are necessary for improvement, so you do not have to hesitate.

3, Intermediate Level: See the below “☆Advanced Example Dialogue”. If you use this time Grammar topic **“**Te form +くれます**”** **at least once**, you can make your dialogue freely. It is also OK to add more Person A&B part to make longer Dialogue.

4, I will comment and correct your sentences. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment. Also, I welcome you to follow Reddit account.


**②Example Dialogues**

I cited below \[\*1\] sentence and translation from Page 153 in Minna No Nihongo Second Edition Elementary Japanese 1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English. To make dialogue structure, based on \[\*1\] sentence, I wrote \[\*2\] Question sentence as Person A’s line. I added “\[ \] My grammar interpretation”.

**“☆Basic Example Dialogue”**

A: Bさんの おかあさんは (あなたに) なにを おくって くれましたか。\[\*2\]

Bsan no okaasan wa (anatani) naniwo okutte kuremashitaka。

What did your mother send to you?

\[Verb Te form + くれます means that Subject gives a help to “listener=you/ Speaker= me/own family member” through Verb, taking action. おくります sounds just “to send”. On the other hand, おくって(Teform)+くれます contains a nuance “おかあさん=Subj gave a help to あなた=Listener=you through sending something. You can omit “あなたに to you”. \]

B: はは は  \[ わたし に \]  セーターを おくって くれました。\[\*1\] haha wa watashi ni seetaa wo okutte kuremashita。

My mother sent me a sweater. \[\*1\]

\[This sentence contains a nuance “はは=My mother=Subj” gave a help to “わたし=Speaker = me” through sending a sweater. You can omit “わたしに”.\]

**“☆Advanced Example Dialogue”**

A: 先生はBさんのために何を申し込んでくれたんですか。

B: 日本語の試験(しけん)の申込み(もうしこみ)の締切(しめきり)が明日までだったので、先生が代(か)わりに申し込んでくれました。


A: 次回から、インターネットで申し込んだほうがいいと思いますよ。英語の訳もついているので、簡単(かんたん)ですよ。

B: それはいいですね。次回からネットで申し込みます。

If you add \[ \] explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and correct your sentences more accurately.



3A Corporation 2012, *Minna No Nihongo Second Edition – Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English*, 3A Corporation, Tokyo.

ISBN-10: 4883196046

スリーエーネットワーク(2012), 「みんなの日本語 初級I 第版 本冊」, スリーエーネットワーク.


**④Question and Comment**

If you have some questions about topic, ask me on the comment section. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment back.

(Educational post, once a week)

  1. Aさん:母は暖かいセーターを買ってくれました。

    > My mother bought me a warm sweater.


    > Why


    > It was my birthday.


    > What color was it


    > It was red.

  2. A: Bちゃん!放課後に予定があるの?

    B: いないよ。どうしてAちゃん?

    A: よかった!手伝ってよ!

    B: 何のこと?

    A: 明日デートがあるから準備しているけど服はまだ決めてないよ〜

    B: え〜それは自分で決めることでしょう。それに服には知識がないよ。

    A: 手伝ってくれないの?

    B: ん〜服の雑誌があったらなんとかする。

    A: ありがとう!!

  3. 最近日本人の友達は私の日本語をあまり直してくれない。もちろん皆は先生じゃないから毎回直してくれるのはめんどくさいと分かっているけど自分の話し方についてちょっと不安になった。
    Recently my Japanese friends haven’t been correcting my Japanese much. Of course I know that everyone isn’t a teacher and correcting things every time is tedious, but I’ve started to feel a little self-conscious about my speaking.

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