I just finished my 1st appointment. Had been told to prepare few documents and and book an appointment again. I found out that i can submit documentation on my 3rd appointment.
As i almost know about other required document. Is it possible to prepare them in advance and submit on my 2nd appointment. Is this gonna help? To skip 3rd appointment?

Please share your experience
Thank you

  1. I had to wait for 3 month to book 1st appointment. Is it going to atke 3 months more to book an appointment again?
    Any 1 booked it recently?

  2. First, you should know that there’s a difference between the consultation guy 相談者 and case officer 担当官. In the second appointment, the consultation guy will check whatever documents you gathered against the list given to you in the first appointment. You may say just quite superficial checking. The guy will let you know if you have any missing documents.

    In the third appointment, your gathered documents are put in order and checked once again by the consultation guy. You have to have original documents too. After a thorough check, the documents are given to a case officer who will check them again. If he’s convinced that everything is there, you will have to sign the application form and other a few forms. And that’s official acceptance of your application.

    Now, if your gathered documents are perfect AND the consultation guy and a case officer have time to spare to go through the above application acceptance process, appointment 3 can be omitted.

    In most cases, the time allocated for the second appointment isn’t that long, and the consultation guy usually has several consultation cases every day. Therefore, it might not be possible to officially submit everything in the second appointment.

    In short, just follow the process as it was described to you by the consultation guy.

  3. I prepared all my docs with the help of “Turning Japanese” blog, and was done with it during second appointment. Consultation guy was a little bit impressed, and asked if I used lawyer to help, so I assume this is not the most common scenario, but if you docs are good, there might not be need for third apt.

  4. Hey, is it true that when you left Japan (even just for travel/vacation) for 3 months, the count of years of stay will reset? Or make you unqualified for naturalization unless you stayed for another 5yrs without going out?

    Been living here since 2015 but went traveling from mid-october to mid january

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