Ending visa early but coming back on a visa waiver

first off, let me say that I know Japan became strict on visa runs so I’m not trying to game the system but wondering if this is a legit enough case.
I’m currently in Japan on a WHV which will last until July 1st, and I’m from a country that has a visa waiver agreement with Japan. due to some unfortunate timing there’s an event in Tokyo from July 1st to 4th that I’d really like to attend. so I’m wondering if it’s possible for me to end my WHV before July 1st, leave the country for Korea (not my home country), and then come back to Japan shortly after. if I tell the immigration people of my plans and perhaps show them the tickets for the event and a return flight, how likely do you think they will accept that? of course there’s probably no way to know 100%, but is that a likely scenario where they’ll let me back in? also, how would I go about ending my visa early? would I have to tell the immigration people to cancel the visa when I leave Japan?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Ending visa early but coming back on a visa waiver**

    first off, let me say that I know Japan became strict on visa runs so I’m not trying to game the system but wondering if this is a legit enough case.
    I’m currently in Japan on a WHV which will last until July 1st, and I’m from a country that has a visa waiver agreement with Japan. due to some unfortunate timing there’s an event in Tokyo from July 1st to 4th that I’d really like to attend. so I’m wondering if it’s possible for me to end my WHV before July 1st, leave the country for Korea (not my home country), and then come back to Japan shortly after. if I tell the immigration people of my plans and perhaps show them the tickets for the event and a return flight, how likely do you think they will accept that? of course there’s probably no way to know 100%, but is that a likely scenario where they’ll let me back in? also, how would I go about ending my visa early? would I have to tell the immigration people to cancel the visa when I leave Japan?

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  2. You can voluntarily end your status of residence by doing the moving-out procedures in your city and then surrendering your zairyu card at the airport.

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