Where to buy wraps that aren’t ol del paso and cost 800 yen for 10

Can anybody help? Tokyo area

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  2. They are really easy and inexpensive to make at home. Worth a try at least once.

  3. My local Ok store has tortillas in the freezer for much cheaper than that. I can’t remember the exact price but it’s 12 for like maybe ¥400? Maybe a bit more, but not ¥800

  4. Indian shops near 新大久保 have them cheap and bigger than the chibi sized スーパー ones.

    Not old el paso, I remember 500ish for a 10枚 pack.

    Also, Nisshin near 麻布十番.

  5. Hanamasa ! I got 10 for like 390yen? I think
    They’re small but not bad at all

  6. Old El Paso does wraps? Or are you talking about tortillas? They are available in many places. Kaldi, Seijo Ishii, Gyomu, Costco, etc.

  7. Make em, or buy them from a Mexican expat.

    Just search for the Mexican expat group, at least one of them should know how to make them.

    (I’m Mexican, I don’t know how to make them but here where I live, I buy a few tortillas every now and then from other fellow Mexicans)

  8. Just picked up a dozen tortillas for 199 at Nishimagome Bunkado.
    Imported from the US

  9. Kaldi. 12 for 500yen in the freezer. They also sell 170yen canned beans, a variety of salsa, ect..

  10. I like the Aeon/MaxValu “TopValu” corn tortillas way better than any of the wheat tortillas at gyomu or Costco etc

  11. Maxvalu sells for like 5 for 200+tax in the pizza/naan section. Quality is much better than the ones sold in promarket.

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