Hey! Sister is wanting to get this Japanese phrase tattooed. Is it correct?

Lost Time Can Never Be Found –

Thank you for any help!

  1. See rule 7. This would be better served by r/translator

    With that in mind, this is accurate…under the most literal interpretation possible. However, it’s treating time as a lost physical object, like your keys or your phone. It seems a bit weird.

    Although if I’m being honest, this is true of the English as well. Usually, the phrasing is ‘lost time can never come back’, and this goes into Japanese as 失われた時間は取り戻せない or something in that vein (although there’s a lot of room for interpretation here)

    If I might ask, is there any reason for the tattoo to be in Japanese? There’s a lot that can (and usually does) go wrong with these kinds of tattoos.

  2. The Japanese name of the book “In Search of Lost Time” is 失われた時を求めて” so I think there’s nothing too unusual about using 失う for time like the other poster complained about

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