Changing workplace

hey there, i dont really know who i could talk to about this topic, so if anyone was/is in a similiar situation i would really appreciate some insight.
its my first reddit post, so if i made any mistakes i apologize.
some background info:
last month i had to sign a renewal contract at my company which said that i would need to pay 40万円 when i leave the company. obviously this felt kinda off so i had a long conversation with my boss and we came to the agreement that if i sign the contract now, he will give me a new contract in may to become 正社員 and i wouldnt need to pay the 40万円 if i quit.
well, my visa runs out in a week and since i was sick i couldnt apply for my visa earlier.
i got the documents for my visa on tuesday(16th may) and im going to the immigration bureau tomorrow.
the problem is, the evening i got the documents from my company i was told that they wont make me a 正社員 and want me to wait a bit longer.
i really want to quit that company because everything seems so fishy.
if i apply for my visa with the current company and quit work in a month, will it be harder for me to apply for another visa as soon as i quit my current company?
and do i really have to pay 40万円? everywhere i looked it says that 勉強代 etc is black company activity and i shouldnt pay but i dont know how i should tell that my boss. im honestly scared and have no idea what i should do.

  1. Hard to judge mate but my advice is to set your priorities and see what is important to endure in the short run for the best outcome in the long term

  2. Google predetermined indemnity japan

    The labor board will have very severe words for them.

  3. They cannot charge you for leaving, that’s illegal. Refuse to pay on the grounds that you are familiar with Japanese labour laws and then report them anonymously to the labour bureau (after you’ve left if you’re worried because then they can’t do anything). And definitely quit as soon as you can. Holding contracts hostage is also very ブラック企業 activity.

    Unless you make a habit of it, I don’t think finding a new job as soon as you get your new visa will set off alarm bells at immigration. Plenty of people use a new visa as a fresh opportunity to try something else.

  4. As for the visa issue, just look for a new job that uses the same visa status so you won’t need to change visa status again for a while. People quit jobs, it’s not such a big deal. I don’t think it’ll affect you harshly as long as your next job is stable.

  5. In future renew your visa far in advance to avoid such situations if you become ill etc.

  6. You need to copy that contract and call the labor board. That company is in so much shit.

  7. > if i apply for my visa with the current company and quit work in a month, will it be harder for me to apply for another visa as soon as i quit my current company?

    The way you word this makes me wonder if you think a work visa is tied to an employer in Japan. Just in case this is what you think, it is not. You don’t need to apply for a new visa when you change jobs. Only if your new job falls under a new visa category.

    So my advice is hand in your visa application and start job hunting asap just to get out of your current hellhole. A job change is a very normal thing and usually doesn’t influence future visa applications.

    As for the 勉強代 question, other commenters have answered that.

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