Woo, a question that’s been frequently asked.
Anyways, I’ve been looking for a language school, but unfortunately it’s kind of late at this point and i have a somewhat tight schedule on top of that (hard restricted by late June-early August). I’ve been looking at Hokkaido JaLS, but I was just hoping for any other input. Also– I’m proximate to starting from 0; I have some understanding of sentence structure and can read both hiragana and katakana, and am level 4 on WaniKani. Thanks!
What are the geographical constraints?
Personally, I had a great experience spending 10 weeks at Yamasa ([www.yamasa.org/en/programs_silac.html](https://www.yamasa.org/en/programs_silac.html)) while staying in Okazaki with a Japanese family.
Check out Lexis Japan in Kobe. Very good school (part of a large international group), and focuses on shorter term, communicative classes.