Anyone ever been through visitation mediation/court

Anyone ever been through or heard of visitation mediation/court? Menkaikouryuchyoutei 面会交流調停

Supposedly it is a system designed to get visitation for kids even in the case of divorce. They would supposedly work out a schedule and living condition that works best for the child. After reading this, it doesn’t seem entirely hopeless for non custodial parents to see their kids occasionally. Though the caveat here is that this process does not look cheap and requires getting lawyers heavily involved.

  1. Not your lawyer:

    If you had a decent divorce lawyer, visitation should have been decided upon already…. If not, file.

    If you speak Japanese, I have heard the process is easy, and the mediators try hard to get a fair agreement. If I read correctly, the cost is about 1200 yen, the cost of a couple of lattes.

    The problems usually occur when you try to visit.

    Police do not recognize family court orders, so if you go to pick up your child, your ex-SO can call the police to get you arrested for trespassing.

    Try to get the mediators to write the decree so that your ex-SO will follow the decree as written and will agree not call the police and no adverse consequences will occur by you exercising your visitation rights.

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