Had to drop out of the JET Programme. When can I reapply?

It’s a long story. But for many reasons that came up out of nowhere I had to drop out of the program after receiving my placement. It was a damn good one too. The website reads

“Candidates who are short-listed and receive a placement location but then drop out will not be eligible to re-apply for a one year period from the year they applied (ie. a short-listed candidate for the 2022 JET Program who drops out at this point will not be eligible to re-apply until the 2024 JET Program).”

Does that mean that I can’t reapply until 2023 (For possible acceptance in 2024) or that I can’t reapply until 2024 (With possible acceptance in 2025?)

  1. Assuming this is correct, my reading would be that your next opportunity would be to apply in Fall 2023 for a July 2024 departure.

  2. Condolences on your loved one’s passing. I hope you get in and get an even better placement next time!

  3. I’m not in JET, but I live in Japan currently as an ALT. The Japanese school year starts in April, and lots of companies work off of the Japanese school calendar rather than the western one like JET does. Basically what I’m saying is, there are lots and lots of other options if getting to Japan to teach is your goal. I love my company and would really recommend them.

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