If you want to convert your imiwa? app favourites list to a printable document, I made a program for you!

I just wrote a short python script to convert the imiwa file to a formatted table, that you can then open in Word/print and revise from. Each row contains the kanji (if present), the reading, and then the English meanings, for each Japanese word in your list.

You can find it here at my github: [https://github.com/ryanbrowne2020/imiwa/blob/main/imiwa.py](https://github.com/ryanbrowne2020/imiwa/blob/main/imiwa.py)

You just need to export your Favourites list from the app as an .imixch file, then run the script on it to produce a tsv file, then open in Word.

I used the imiwa? app all the time to save new words I met, but when it comes to revision I could never get into flashcards. So if you are like me, and enjoy some good old-fashioned paper-based revision, I hope this helps you! Any questions, feel free to ask.

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