Recommendations for a good language school in Tokyo around Nihonbashi / Chiyoda areas

I am currently living in Tokyo (actually I have for a year now, for work), and I’ve got my visa renewed for another year. I knew some Japanese before coming over here, and naively thought I’ll be sure to “pick it up” with everyday interactions. Whilst this is “a little true”, what has mostly happened is that my confidence in situations of using what I know has increased ten-fold, but my *actual Japanese proficiency* is not increasing. I decided that over the next year I want to really make the effort to go to classes whlist here, so as not to waste the opportunity to learn Japanese.

I’m therefore wondering if anyone here has any experience / recommendations of Japanese language schools in Tokyo? I live in the Nihonbashi Hamacho area, and work in the Chiyoda area, but I am open to suggestions in general.

So far I have been eyeing this school called coto academy.

Intensive Japanese Course in Tokyo, Yokohama

Does anyone have any opinion of this school?

  1. If you’re willing to take the Chiyoda line north a few stops, I can’t recommend Akamonkai in Nishi-Nippori highly enough.
    It‘s is a little less laid-back than some other schools, you’re expected to do your homework diligently etc.. but if you really wanna learn at a steady, relatively high pace (not unmanageably high though), I recommend them highly.

  2. It really depends on your availability. Can you study full time? Part time? What’s your work schedule like? What’s your budget?

  3. I’m in there online course . It’s towards beginners and intermediate. I am in the advanced class and it doesn’t actually exist. But they gave me differebt material than from there parent company . Which has advanced classes. It’s great for me. Lots of speaking on private lesson

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