Suggestions for getting clients as an English speaking therapist?

I got my masters degree in counselling recently, and soon after moved to Japan with my wife, who got a job here. I am eligible to work here, so I am hoping to freelance by offering virtual therapy lessons in English for the foreigner community.

I know that in Japan, regular therapy doesn’t require a license (and I certainly will not represent myself as a licensed psychologist or other similar titles that Japan does issues licenses for)

In order to obtain clients, I do plan on having a google ads budget for my website, but would like suggestions on other ways I could get expat clients.

  1. Advertise here on Reddit. A lot of people on this sub seem to be looking for therapy.

  2. Going by this sub it seems people who don’t need mental help are the exception, so advertise here. Make sure people know you can’t prescribe anything (I assume).

    Also, you could do oline counseling for your home country, or?

  3. Most cities will have expat groups on Facebook. Maybe start in your area and build out. Let people know you’d also appreciate referrals.

  4. I believe that everyone from this sub needs therapy 🙉🙊🙈

  5. There is a huge marker for people in Japan that want affordable English therapy lol No concrete advice but I’m sure you’ll figure it out!

  6. Just put one of those tear-off tab sheets outside every Hub in the land.

    Set for life

  7. Can’t people just get a virtual therapist from anywhere in the world? In person therapy for English speakers is definitely in high demand in Japan, but if people wanted a virtual experience then why wouldn’t they go with someone with better credentials from say Australia?

  8. Is self advertising allowed here? Because everyone should come eat at my restaurant

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