Need help trying to figure out how to sentence mine

Hi all,

For any sentence mining gurus, could you please guide me towards a resource that provides a step-by-step tutorial about setting up a sentence mining workflow (flashcards with audio+video). All the videos I’ve found online are either confusing or assume I have a PhD in computer science lol.

I have been literally trying to set this up for HOURS for the past month, and everytime I overcome a bug or mistake, another pops up. I’m not a coder, but I can learn quickly as long as the steps don’t get ahead of themselves.

Thank you!!!

  1. Where are sentence mining from? Anime? Books?

    I followed the step by step instructions on animecards, and it creates vocabulary cards, with sentence and audio + anime screenshot. I then go into Anki and tweak notes style settings to display the sentence + the word on the front of the card.

  2. (scroll down to the YouTube video)

    This is what I started with. It was simple enough, for me at least, to add audio. My N5 flashcards had audio so I pretty much copied what they were doing and it just worked. I also added pitch accents (download the recommend pitch accent dictionary from that google docs folder too in order to do this), and took out the sentences with a blank where the word is. The door process took like a full day to figure out, but has worked well since then with minor tweaking.

    Note that this will pull audio for words from some dictionary database, not from whatever anime you’re watching. It would be better if I could easily put the audio from whatever I’m watching in the card too, but I’m pretty happy with how I have it set up. A lot of my cards are from manga anyway.

    So when I make a flashcard it does everything automatically except I type in or copy the context sentence. It tries to pull the sentence itself but it doesn’t work for subtitles which is where I get a lot of my mined vocab, because it can’t tell where the sentence starts and stops. I think it uses punctuation so it does work for internet articles.

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