Studied for 5 years and now getting back into it…

So I started learning Japanese in 2018. At my height I would say I was ~N4/N3, I never really had a goal with Japanese which made it hard to stay determined for longer periods of time.

I would like to work towards actually getting a JLPT certificate as that will help me stay motivated towards a goal.

My problem is that I’m not really sure where I’m at. Looking at Genki I seems too easy for me, but it’s hard for me to tell what things I actually know vs. “think” I know.

Does anyone have any tips on how to move forward?

  1. You looked at Genki I, so now look through the table of contents of Genki II

    if it seems ok/easy, figure out your goal. N3 or N4?

    If you want N3, get quartet or hire a tutor or use bunpro or something to get grammar

    Get some N3 test prep books and work through them

    Beef up your vocab with anki and reading books

  2. I don’t know much about getting JLPT certificates, but I’m probably N3 on a good day. One thing I found helpful is going through novels with a resource like []( It gives you flashcards in an SRS format and saves you the trouble of creating an Anki deck (which I tried for many years but could never stick with for some reason).

    I really like novels and not a fan of anime or manga, so []( has been great in getting me over that significant jump from basic textbook stuff to native novels.

  3. try Bunpro – you can select your level – there are specific decks for vocab and grammar as well as decks based on popular publications. There are also graded readers and a huge community as well.


    No Tests yet, you can also go as fast as you want unlike Wanikani – with this being said you can drown yourself very quickly adding too much too fast. Otherwise, I really enjoy it, as I find books pretty boring – I’ve been studying for roughly about a year and am writing N4 this July.


    Keep in mind N3 has no furigana, so you should be able to read large texts of only Kanji to successfully pass this level.

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