Spam email

Weird question but has anyone else been getting a bunch a spam or strange emails on their Japanese emails? Between my friends and I we have Docomo and AU phone services, so we’ve got emails connected to them and recently we’ve been getting several spam and obviously fake emails. A few months ago it was maybe 1-2 occasionally received. But in the last week it’s like 7+ a day. We keep flagging and deleting then but it doesn’t seem like they’ll be stopping anytime soon. Has this been happening to anyone else?

  1. I get one everyday on my emobile email. Flagging them doesn’t make a difference.

  2. you mean carrier email? like those are absolutely notorious for being spam magnets in the past, which is why most people with carrier mail would have really long+random words/letters/numbers address. if you have something like john.smith@docomo it’s gonna be badly spammed.

    as for your issue, maybe just a new wave of spam or yours addresses finally made it on some new list and it’ll take a while before they give up.

  3. I gave up on my carrier’s email service years ago because of spam. I just dont need the service and I certainly dont need the hassle of spam so i just cut it off.

  4. Normal. But you can set it on docomo at least to refuse mail from strangers. I forgot exact setting but it is one done from their site.

  5. Who TF still uses phone carrier email in this day and age? It’s about as antiquated as the galakei phones it was designed for.

  6. My favorites are the random adds to Line… Like yeah I want to talk to you in Chinese about your NFT blockchain startup.

  7. You could also get fake messages from random numbers, disguising as your phone company or bank; while younger people can whiff that it’s a scam from a mile away, maybe some older people don’t. Stay safe peeps

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