Whats up with the iphone’s weatger app showing air quality as “unhealthy”

Also the air index’s map showing all reddish or oranges color in our area. ([Saitama](https://ibb.co/3y6cqtV)).

  1. There was a photochemical smog warning around the city today. The loudspeakers by my place were announcing it this afternoon.

  2. When it gets hot, its probably dust and other particulate matter that forms into smog. It was a fucking roasting 30c in Fukuoka on Wednesday and air quality took a dip, with a definite haze in the air. Its horrible stuff, but clears up by the next day if there’s some wind.

  3. That’s terrible. It should always tell you everything is great. How are you holding up?

  4. Saitama is Tokyo’s bedroom community, all the shit created in T-Town goes upward.

  5. There are chemical factories recycling plants along the Arakawa. Depending on the weather, the pollution can sort of settle around that area.

    I like to go cycling along the river, but some days it gets pretty bad. Enough that it stings your eyes passing by those factories.

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