I need help identifying this chef’s sauce. It’s kind of thick and a little spicy. The one on the right is before I stirred it and the one on the left is the one I stirred. Any ideas? TIA

I need help identifying this chef’s sauce. It’s kind of thick and a little spicy. The one on the right is before I stirred it and the one on the left is the one I stirred. Any ideas? TIA

  1. Looking at the right one it makes me feel someone just put some spicy mayo into eel sauce. I’ve never seen that done before personally, makes more sense to give on of each than two that are mixed. You should ask next time you’re there to be sure.

  2. The “red” you’re seeing, over what appears to be mayo. Is desaturation of the color of, what I believe to be, the eel sauce and not Sriracha. There is a definitive white characteristic to the exposed clump and it looks like someone squeezed a kewpie bottle to put it in there. The top parts that are covered look like the Wasabi you’d normally be served.

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