Custom fine and work visa


Tldr: I want to come back and live/work here. Can an open custom bag/fine hurt my chances 😰

Sorry, I know ratively similar questions have been asked before but I believe my situation to be slightly different 😅.

In my very first day I bought a lot of makeup (I forgot mine in London.) And I asked for tax free but knowing how it worked.

I will stay 2 more months here, now I have a very big and heavy sealed bag of stuff I need to carry everywhere AND I still need makeup 😅

I kept some tickets but I can’t read and I am not sure if they are the ones matching these goods.

I know that in theory I can use them and hi ust pay a fine for the tax at the airport but:

– I want to return and get a work visa, wouldn’t a fine hurt my chances 😰.

– will they be able to just give me the fine at the airport if the bag is open AND I have the wrong tickets? They need to know the price of the items right?

– I think the total value of what I bought is less than 20000 yen

Should I just buy an other set of things for the duration of my stay?

Thank you so much 😘

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Custom fine and work visa**


    Tldr: I want to come back and live/work here. Can an open custom bag/fine hurt my chances 😰

    Sorry, I know ratively similar questions have been asked before but I believe my situation to be slightly different 😅.

    In my very first day I bought a lot of makeup (I forgot mine in London.) And I asked for tax free but knowing how it worked.

    I will stay 2 more months here, now I have a very big and heavy sealed bag of stuff I need to carry everywhere AND I still need makeup 😅

    I kept some tickets but I can’t read and I am not sure if they are the ones matching these goods.

    I know that in theory I can use them and hi ust pay a fine for the tax at the airport but:

    – I want to return and get a work visa, wouldn’t a fine hurt my chances 😰.

    – will they be able to just give me the fine at the airport if the bag is open AND I have the wrong tickets? They need to know the price of the items right?

    – I think the total value of what I bought is less than 20000 yen

    Should I just buy an other set of things for the duration of my stay?

    Thank you so much 😘

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  2. Its important to remember that Customs and Immigration are different departments. So if you’ve violated the tax/duty free rules on a previous visit and paid your fine accordingly I can see no reason why it would impact future visa applications.


    According to:

    >Customs inspect your possession of the tax-free goods as necessary.
    If you DO NOT EXPORT the tax-free goods, you have to pay the consumption tax at customs.
    You may be subject to penalty (Imprisonment up to 1 year or a fine up to maximum of 500,000 yen) if you have transferred the tax-free goods prior to departure.
    If you become a resident of Japan after purchasing the tax-free goods, you have to pay the consumption tax to the Tax Office in charge of domicile or residence.
    In this case, please present your passport and submit the record of purchase slip(s) to the Tax Office.

    So yeah, if you open the bag and/or use the products you’ll want to inform customs of this when you leave and pay taxes as needed.

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