Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 20, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Is there an easier way to remember the distinction between words like また、まだ、まで?

  2. Anyone else starting out on Genki 1 wanna do a study buddy thing? I’m currently on Lesson 3.

    I pay for resources that I can share which so far have helped me massively in Genki.

    Ideally looking for folks in the US or Europe in their early 20s.

    Only really looking for 1 but a trio could also work if 2 folks are interested in doing it?

  3. Context: I am sending my Japanese writing sample to my Japanese teacher to assess my current Japanese level.

    I want to ask teacher to fix and send a revised version of my writing sample to improve my writing and I wonder what is the best way to do it.

    > 私が言うのもあれですが、訂正していただければ大変勉強になります

    Is there anything I should change?

  4. Please help me translate this line:


    I’m guessing it means that “even if it’s just little by little, when the numbers(?) increase, I feel like there are other carats who are cheering too and it makes me happy” ??

    context: this is a comment on a music video of a kpop group seventeen and “carat” is the fandom name.

  5. When 日和 attaches to random nouns like ピクニック日和 , is it read ひより or びより?Side question, is there a name for the class of nouns that attaches directly to other nouns without の etc?

  6. TIL 強火. Of course, I guess on-reading “kyouka”. Nope, it’s kun-reading “tsuyobi”.

    TIL 中火. Must be kun-reading “nakabi”. Nope, let’s mix it up with “chuubi”.

    TIL 弱火. Got “yowabi” ok.

  7. Hello! I was trying to ask a question about if one way of saying something was the most natural way. It boiled down to “もっと自然な言い方はありますか?”. Then I went on HelloTalk, and asked several native speakers about it, including whether this should be はありますか or がありますか. And I’ve got several different answers and it’s kind of confusing.

    A nice person tried to explain the nuances, but it’s a wall of text in Japanese and I feel like some of it went over my head. Could anyone explain the differences here? Not specifically は v が as I know that’s a whole shebang, but just in this case how it could change the question. Thank you!

  8. 話し手が疑問に思うことを丁寧に問いかける表現。

    Am confused about the に… any help would be appreciated

  9. I am having difficulties understanding what mono means in the following sentences. I know mono can take on numerous different meanings depending on the context but I am not sure which one it is supposed to be

    1.) 今回の判決では、婚姻に関する民法の規定が憲法に反する (もの) ではないという国の主張が認められた (もの) と受け止めている

    2.) 性婚を認めないことは、憲法24条の婚姻の自由を侵害する (もの) ではなく、婚姻の目的は男女のカップルが子を産み育てることを想定しており、憲法14条にも違反しないという、形式的な判決だった」と指摘しました。

  10. I’ve been seeing a lot of “copulas where they don’t belong” in videogames lately.

    Like the cutesy character putting です behind verbs, or stuff like “だっただよ” or “<verb>でございます”.

    Is this a variation on んだ or is this just plain old 口癖 to identify a character?

  11. Simple beginner question about question words. I am confused when to put them before a subject/topic marker and when to put them with the verb.

    For example, I learned

    なんにちですか。What day of the month is it?

    When I tried to remember the sentence myself, I wrote:なんにちがですか。

    Is it wrong to put the が marker in that sentence? I know sometimes the question word comes before the が but I have troubles understanding when it’s allowed.

    Example where the question word comes before the が:


  12. I’m trying to encourage a friend with their exam coming up and want to tell them that I have an exam coming up too so I know their feeling. Is 感じ or 気持ち more appropriate here (感じわかる/気持ちわかる) ?

  13. Could someone please explain how the three sentences below differ in meaning or nuance. The context is that the speaker is agreeing to pay a ransom to kidnappers herself. The first is what was actually said. The second and third are made up by me.





  14. what is the meaning of 出かけた here?

    it is like する? to do overnight stay?

  15. Iam reading the manga 君の名は with English translation added. Now I have two questions:

    1) Which form is this: 食べやあ (It is translated as an imperativ, but I new saw that form before, for example in Tae Kims grammar guide. Or I don’t remember it…)

    2) 気がする means my mind is doing something. What does いい夢みた気がする mean? Does that translate to “Its seems that I had a good dream”, where the みた is “it seems”? Otherwise I can’t explain it (Its the only thing I don’t know in this sentence).

    Thanks in advance!

  16. Hello, can someone please explain the 王監督はないでしょ part to me in「シノアキさー、アレなによ。好きな監督って質問で王監督はないでしょマジで」

    Previously everyone should name their favorite film director and シノアキ named the sportscoach 王. And later someone said the above to her. But I don’t really understand the meaning, is it like “at the question about your favorite film director, **you can’t say coach 王**, seriously” or “[…] **王 isn’t one, you know**[…]”.

    I don’t even know here if でしょ is here to make it less direct or if its a tag question, I think it’s the former, but even so 王監督はない doesn’t make much sense to me unless 映画監督 is just dropped and it means 王監督は映画監督はない.

  17. How strict is the “B second, A first” grammar in Japanese? Will a Japanese person understand me if I do it like English syntax? In English it’s A first, B second, but in Japanese the “B second, A first” grammar seems to go beyond just より and it has me a bit confused

  18. I was wondering about one usage of ちがう. In my example case, this guy just got his hands on new, very powerful weapons to protect himself with, and says to himself 「安心感がちがう」

    Am I right in assuming this means something along the lines of “I feel super safe now”? Can ちがう be used to describe something as extraordinary in this manner?

  19. “習う”は”習わし”に変わることには、その”し”の意味は何ですか?

  20. Could someone transcribe what’s being said in [this video (timestamped).](https://youtu.be/r342kn9IbAA?t=66) He’s purposefully speaking bad Japanese, but when the subtitles say “take a card and I won’t look”, I hear something like “一つ card ??? して、私見ない”.

    For the unknown word I’m hearing “けきして”, but “けきす” isn’t a word.

  21. There was a YouTube channel I found a while ago where the lady would start drawing and explain—in Japanese— what she was doing as she was drawing. It was very interesting and useful. She also had subtitles.

    I can’t find it! Her videos had somewhat low views which is why a simple search won’t do the trick. If anyone knows which one I’m talking about please let me know 🙂

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