Want to learn japanese

Hi, i am 16 yrs old and planning to give MEXT after 2 yrs. According to my info we are supposed to learn to speak n write in Japanese. In Qatar we dont have any japanese classes. I do understand some words in Japanese cuz of anime but cant phrase sentences or understand what’s written. Can you suggest me something? I have around 2 yrs to learn japanese.


  1. An application called Renshuu and Anki are great starting points. Download the apps if possible, begin with Renshuu as it introduces concepts in the language. Then, when you’ve learnt the basics, you can go over to Anki and download a “deck”. It’s an app with the flashcard mechanic so to teach you different vocab. Alternatively, you can pay for Wanikani, which teach you so called Radicals (basically, every Kanji or ‘symbol’ is constructed using smaller lines and strokes. They are far fewer than the Kanji so i recommend you learn some of them).

    Some things to look out for when learning: *DON’T LEARN INDIVIDUAL SYMBOLS/KANJI BY THEMSELVES!*.It will be hard to remember each, since each Kanji is read differently and therefore are pronounced in different words. Just learn vocab using Anki and it’ll all come soon. Don’t be afraid to watch anime, just make sure you use japanese subtitles once you feel confident enough.

    That’s all I can say helped me, but there’s more so feel free to ask more of needed :). Good luck!

    Edit: here’s the deck if needed. Pick the first one that says “Optimized Clre 2k/6k deck” https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks/Core%202k

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