Weekend Stupid Questions Thread – 20 May 2023

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Anyone seen any sea salt spray for hair around before I resign to Amazon?

  2. Very very stupid question sorry, regarding humidity

    When its raining should i close this airtrap I have on my apartment entrance door ?

    It’s dumb but I can’t tell if leaving it open builds more humidity, or if leaving it open for the little airflow it does is actually better for my place

  3. I like garakei, and bought a 4G second hand handset because my 3G will be defunct next year, and because reduce reuse recycle. I tried to get a contract SIM with my regular, SoftBank, but they said I’d have to order a new handset at 10,000 yen, inflexibility im not inclined to indulge.

    Is there a company that would allow me to get just the SIM card for a garakei? Contract would be ideal but I understand it’s not 2003 anymore.

  4. Does anyone know any good alternative to Primavista primer? It used to be my favourite and my face would still be matt and dry all summer no problems but they changed the formula a few years ago and now I end up shiny for the rest of the day after like a few minutes of sweating. Still keeps my makeup in place though which is why I’ve still been using it. Looking for something that has SPF, stops my face being sweaty/shiny in humidity, works well as my main base (I usually just do primer/concealer/powder base) and keeps my makeup in place nicely. Any recommendations would help!

  5. Is there another decent service rather than wise to send money to USA? Yes I know the conversion rate is crap, but I need to start sending majority of my paycheck to my USA bank ATM.

    Didn’t realize wise made me pay their PayPay bank first before it sends the money to my American account. -_-

  6. Do you find that some Japanese people can be extremely “standoffish” when walking in the street or biking in your direction? I.e will bump or near hit you even in an empty street?

  7. Is Amazon same day shipping making a comeback or did I just get lucky? First time I’ve seen that option in years after I just ordered something today. Ordered at around 11am with a delivery time ranging from 8pm to midnight. Let’s s hope it’s closer to 8pm.

  8. — Paypay vs Line Pay vs Rakuten Pay —

    Student here. Just want to maximize my profit when spending cash, so figured why not use one of those cashless payment services to get points. So, wanted advice and insights regarding which one would be the best?

    I prefer manually charging from convenient stores; and would it be wise to get credit cards from any of these companies? Thanks in advance!

  9. Why does the tax is separated from the prices of items in a store? In my home country, prices are usually combined.

    Which persons are eligible for tax exemption when buying items in conbini or recycle shops?

  10. Staying near Chiba Station for a week. Any cheap walk-in gyms nearby available? Perhaps one that allows outside shoes (I didnt bring an extra pair)

  11. I need a better shampoo for thinning and frizzy hair, especially now that summer is ruining my look :). Any recommendations, preferably not some 10k yen imported nonsense?

  12. Anyone know if there’s a motorsport, more specifically F1, bar in Nagoyoa/Suzuka or closeby area? Even more specifically, looking for the Spanish GP June 4th 🙂 race is at 11pm on a Sunday though, so not sure if there is one open until like 1-2am or so whenever the race ends?

  13. Is it frowned upon now to sing along in concerts? The ones I go to don’t have new fans so I assume everyone there is over the singing phase and just wants to see the artist. In older dvds you can hear people singing, but has it become like this now for other artists as well?

    The poor vocalist is there extending their mic and mouthing words to an audience that stays silent…

  14. There’s a finger smudge on my phone that refuses to go away, even if I use alcohol wipes on it. Is there any way I can get rid of it?

  15. Applied for Nuro光 coming from Docomo光. Did I make a mistake? I just hate the docomo throttles every night from 8-10pm 🤕

  16. Where can I buy a swimming pool (inflatable or tarp) that has more depth than a bathtub? Amazon etc only have ones in the 60~80cm range and I want 100 minimum.

    Edit: never mind, I gave up. Will buy one of these foot tubs for now and build a DIY pool with tarpaulin later.

  17. Right so I fancy playing bloodborne over the summer cus I won’t be hot and miserable enough as it is. If I pick up a copy in Japan will it have English language options or not? (How’s that for stupid!)

  18. I thought wet wipe was for hands and dry tissue paper was for mouth. However, some restaurants only provide wet wipe. Am I supposed to use wet wipe to wipe my mouth? (it’s really stupid question)

  19. Anyone informed about the recent TCG boom that appears to be going on now?

    Rental shops closing down and in their place TCG playing spaces popping up, Some Tsutaya`s are now like 1/8th TCG playing spaces. Shops that only sale trading cards becoming a thing all over the city.

    I suppose the fact that it is a physical good in all digital age is certainly part of this, but is there more to the boom?

  20. Has anyone made use of janparas warranty for phones that ended up blacklisted from the network? How does that work?

  21. What kind of Dr do you go to if you suspect you fucked up your ribs?

    My left ribs were always a bit funny-pectus-ish? Seemingly untethered?- and I never got it checked out. I think I fucked it up at the gym yesterday and now it hurts when I try to breathe deep + there’s some bruising in the area…

  22. I’m flying back to Japan this week, am I right in assuming I don’t have to do anything extra anymore? Just fill in the usual return sheet that was stapled to my passport? No proof of vaccinations (I brought them just in case), QR apps etc?

  23. My arm hurts like hell. I was just walking towards the exit in Machida station in Tokyo tonight and a random man slammed into my wrist/ arm with what felt like full force. It has been 2 hours ago and it really hurts. I was so taken aback, I first thought it was an accident but husband says it was on purpose and they do it because they hate women. He advises to watch out for people who walk fast and aggressive and immediately report to station staff. If you experienced this or you know someone who did can you please give me advice on this?

  24. Is there a way to watch Cartoon Network in Japan? It’s not part of the JP version of HBO I think.

  25. What’s the general consensus of global warming in Japan? This week at my Eikaiwa I asked all my intermediate students about it and they all seem to think it’s not really an issue, one even said CO2 emissions are not linked to global warming.

  26. Anyone else’s SoftBank Hikarki internet go down right around 12:15am at midnight? I’ve reset the modem multiple times and still can’t get connected.

  27. Is there a difference in tax for older cars?
    Not too old, around 2005-2010

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