Intermediate resources

I can reasonably reach N4, worked through both Genkis in college, now I’m stuck. I’m also broke as shit. What are reasonably priced resources that I won’t have to start from the beginning? I’m doing duolingo for vocabulary and wanikani for kanji.

  1. Genki 1+2 is all the foundation you need. Unless you are planning to study for the JLPT, you won’t need any further textbook resources anymore. Instead, you can now start learning from native media, which most people recommend at your level anyway. You can do this entirely for free via the guide and resources here: [](

  2. I wouldn’t bother with Duolingo at your level. What vocab are you learning from it that’s not in Genki?

    If you’re looking for another textbook then you can look into getting either Tobira or the Quartet series.

  3. Go to Ankiweb and get an RTK kanji deck. It’s free, you don’t need the books, though it’s helpful. Crank through the ~2200 Jouyou and ~800 Jinmeiyou kanji.

    Then go to Ankiweb and grab a Core 2k/6k/10k deck. Crank through that vocab. Free as well.

    Both of these will take you very far.

    If you have $50, go for the Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese textbook. That’ll take you 3-6 months to complete. Then get the Tobira textbook, which will take another 3-6 months at least.

    Congrats, you’re now past the intermediate stage for $100.

  4. Crystal Hunters, J-crosswords, and working on immersion like reading manga may be good.

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