Want to finish Genki 1 in 12 weeks

I got the Genki 1 textbook and workbook and plan to work through it this Summer. I already know all the Hiragana and Katakana and just finished the greetings and numbers pre lesson. I’m starting to look ahead and would like to stick to a schedule so that I can motivate myself to get through Genki. I have about 12 weeks of Summer before I go back to school and will have much less time to study. During the school year I want to start working through Genki 2 but at a much slower pace and mostly just use Anki to make sure I stay good with all the Genki 1 content.

I noticed each lesson has a vocab and grammar section. Should I add all the vocab from the lesson to an Anki deck and study it until i’m good and then proceed with the lesson? I’m looking for a weekly breakdown of what I should be doing each day to be on pace to finish in 12 weeks. Would love some help from those who have already worked through Genki!

I was thinking something like 2 days to get all the vocab down, 2 days to get all the grammar down, 2 days to work through the problems, and 1 day to review.

TL;DR: I’m looking for a schedule to get through each chapter in Genki (about a chapter a week).

  1. The genki books took me like 7 months (to do both of them) so seems pretty doable.

    You could breakdown your time like this:

    * 30 min: vocab review

    * 10 min: learn new kanji

    * 80 min: grammar/exercises/workbook

    Hazard: Do not pace yourself based on the first 3 chapters, they are shorter/easier than the rest of the book.

    Hazard: Genki 2 seems to drag on FOREVER. Grit your teeth….

  2. Bunpro is a great way to practice the grammar points. Adding a couple concepts a day and keeping up with your reviews should have you through Genki 1 in a couple months.

    The TokiniAndy videos are a good way to review as well.

    For vocab, find what works for you, like a mix of Anki, Wanikani, listening practice, graded readers, maybe even a bit of Duolingo.

  3. Start learning vocabulary with an SRS like Anki or jpdb ~2 weeks ahead of each lesson, i.e. learn the vocab for lesson 3 while doing lesson 1, for lesson 4 while doing lesson 2, etc. Always do all SRS reviews every day.

    For the lessons, I did this every week:

    Day 1: Dialogues + list of grammar points

    Day 2: Textbook exercises (1st half)

    Day 3: Textbook exercises (2nd half)

    Day 4: Workbook exercises (1st half)

    Day 5: Workbook exercises (2nd half)

    Day 6: Reading and listening from the back of Genki (don’t miss those!)

    Day 7: Review everything with the TokiniAndy videos (see below)

    I honestly don’t think the exact order here matters much though. In hindsight I also would not do 100% of all exercises again. Once you think you understand a grammar point you can move on to the next one.


    Popular additional resources to help with Genki:

    – Vocabulary decks:



    – Online exercises:


    – Video tutor series (TokiniAndy):


    – Podcast for listening comprehension:


  4. Personally I wouldn’t suggest trying to box each chapter into a week, because some chapters are longer and some are shorter. I get through a chapter in about a week and I basically do this:

    * Day zero – I’ve already studied the vocabulary with JPDB (Anki substitute) so I don’t spend any time during the week on that. Early on I was slightly ahead in the book compared to vocabulary, and I just didn’t worry about it. By about chapter 5 I think I was ahead from then on. Basically I treat vocabulary as separate from the book and didn’t limit my grammar pacing to my vocabulary knowledge.
    * Day 1 – Reading & listening to the dialogue, and doing a quick skim of the grammar points and chapter overall. I mostly just do this because I have some days in a week where I don’t have enough time to do more. I’d combine this with Day 2 if I had a more consistent schedule.
    * Day 2 – X – Read one section and do the book exercises and workbook exercises for one grammar point. I think the book only has something like 66 points so if you spread that over 12 weeks you’ll do about 5-6 each week.
    * Day X + 1 – Do the reading + listening questions for the chapter.

    That would take a little under 13 weeks at that pace. If you have more time in a day you can do multiple points per day and go faster. I wouldn’t bother doing any particular review because what you learn continues to come up as you continue through the book. It’s not like you learn the past tense in one chapter then never see it again. I’d personally rather use any extra time either going through the content at a faster pace, or reading graded readers or something like that.

  5. get an anki deck of the vocabulary. Genki has about 70 new words per chapter, so 140 new flashcards if you learn in both directions. So set it to 20 new cards a day. Theres a deck out there called genkikani which is a great way to learn the kanji.

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