Genki Vocab Mnemonics Project! (Please could use some feedback.)

Hello all! You might have seen my question the other day asking if there were any Genki 1 and 2 Decks made that have Mnemonics in them to help memorize the vocabulary. I think the answer to this is (more or less) was a “no”. After thinking of it for a bit I thought it would be cool to make a web form where people can create Mnemonics for each of the different vocabulary words. That said, this would take me some work (probably more than just making mnemonics as I go) and **I wanted to see if people would be interested in this concept before I put in the work.**

The advantage here, in my mind, is more about creativity. I can make mnemonics for myself, but I definitely run out of creativity and struggle to come up with ***good*** mnemonics for some words and I figured that was true for most people. So if everyone got together we could probably make some really good memorable mnemonics.

Unfortunately I can’t make a pole on this subreddit, but if you could just sort of leave the number next to answer you agree with it would really help me in deciding if this undertaking would be worth it.

# I would be willing to contribute the following number of mnemonics:

1. I wouldn’t want to contribute mnemonics.
2. 1-5
3. 6-10
4. 11-20
5. 20 or more

  1. 1. Because even without memonics with just Anki I’m able to memorize vocab and kanji so I don’t think it’s important enought to spend time making them. But YMMV

  2. Formulating good mnemonics is time consuming, and their effectiveness varies widely from person to person– a great mnemonic for one person may not work at all for another. My recommendation is that you rely on Anki for memorizing the bulk of the words, and devise your own mnemonics for the words you have trouble memorizing through Anki alone.

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