Part-time jobs as a 高1年 student

Hello! I was wondering since summer is arriving if a highschooler (15 years) can do a part time job? I would most preferably choose English as Japanese is not my strongest trait. Please give me some ideas in the comments, I would really appreciate it.

Here are some things I want to do but I’m unsure whether or not I can do them at this age so please let me know:

* Model (I’m pretty average looking)
* Babysitter
* Anything to do with music (I have no musical talent whatsoever)
* Reviewing products
* Transcription (I can do these online as well)

  1. I don’t know the laws on this now but back when I was in 高校 it was pretty common for my classmates to work a couple hours daily at mcdonalds.

  2. I don’t know about all schools, but mine has a strict policy about part-time jobs, and you can be suspended for working without the school’s permission.

  3. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be mean but why would you think people would pay you for being a model when you’re average looking or doing music when you have no musical talent? Why not just work at a fast food restaurant or a combini like everybody else?

  4. Well… Generally, 16 is the rule. I’d caution you away from modeling. The buisness is a shady one. If you choose to go that route, make sure a parent is always with you

  5. Just get a job at fast good or convenient store like everybody else

  6. Have you thought about working at a conbini? Seems the easies way to start working part time here, even with lack of Japanese skills.

  7. I will go against anyone who says should should model, even if you are gorgeous. Too many creeps and even if you think you know what you are doing a lot of people been swindling/exploiting girls for longer than you have been born. Just don’t even unless you got solid support from family.

    Try babysitting in English. That pays well and you can use what you are good at (English.)

  8. I agree with the suggestion of working at a chain restaurant. It’ll be hard work but it’s gonna be fun. I was working at one as uni student, there were some 16-17 yrs old there and they became good friends, even hung out with each other outside of work. And you’re gonna get to improve your Japanese as well rather than working a solo job.

  9. Depends on the school obviously, but in the days before summer break, you will receive a piece of paper that the teacher goes over with the class talking about “how to live your summer break” and it’ll just be regular stuff like be careful of influenza, be careful of traffic and bike accidents, be respectful and don’t cause 迷惑. On top of that, the paper will likely say something about part time jobs. Some schools don’t allow it, some do, some allow it if you have good grades and ask a teacher about it first.

  10. If you’ve grown up in Japan, then I think you’ll already be aware that babysitting isn’t really a thing here like it is in a lot of English speaking countries.

    I get ads for バイト jobs like stuffing flyers in mailboxes quite often, if you’d like that kind of job.

    If you know the app ジモティー they also post for part time work, but probably only in Japanese. I did a one-off job where I took photos of an apartment getting ready to be listed, which I found from there.

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