Ex-PM Abe shooter’s mother donated 100 mil. yen to Unification Church

Ex-PM Abe shooter’s mother donated 100 mil. yen to Unification Church


  1. This Yamagani san is a rather sympathetic character. His mom went broke in 2002. Yamagani san was 22. But during his formative years that “church” must have been an all consuming part of his childhood. Then his mom is finally fleeced dry by the loony moonies.

    And For 20 bitter years he learns more and more about this bizarre group and their influence in Japanese politics, money making techniques, gun worshipping, hatred for anything non Korean. But For 20 years he resisted action. Eventually he could stand it no more. And suddenly he sees a chance to get Abe, a man whose family danced with the Moonies since the 50’s..

    In an odd twist his dastardly act has accomplished a lot. First, Abe’s political reputation and legacy was in free fall decline. Now, in a sad way, his legacy is assured.

    Second, Yamagani’s act has shed light on this and other cult’s influence on Japanese politics. Political parties are these cults and this new awareness may actually force parties to rethink how much they are controlled and how much they rely on them.

    Abe Lincoln freed the slaves while alive, and Abe may have freed mental slaves with his death. This is a monumental turning point in the destiny of Japan I believe, and Yamagani san the John Brown like character of its emancipation.

  2. Holy shit, after reading that, I could see why he’s holding an extreme grudge.

    Father commits suicide, mother takes every single yen in their entire household and donates it to the church, the church takes a chunk and returns less than what was donated to evade responsibility of **pushing the family into poverty**, years later after that event, they still continue to live in poverty because the shitty mother is still siphoning money and giving it to the church.

    He had to give up college because his dog shit mother gave all their money to the church, wanted to commit suicide while in the marines and explicitly only have his sister and bother as the beneficiaries.

    Being a good son he was still taking the responsibility of living with his shitty mother, I could see why he’s holding an extreme grudge against the church.

    Imagine being a person in your early 20’s and this church has been the entire reason you’ve lived in poverty or extreme poverty, stripped you of any opportunity to have a higher education, and left you with a family that siphons your resources. The only grace you have is that you joined the military, where they taught you how to kill people and make weapons to kill people.

    Why does society ignore his actual suffering, why does society not have mechanisms to intervene on clearly exploitative practices and behaviors, and if there were alternatives to what could have been done, was it enough?

  3. Damn. Understanding why he did what he did.

    Judging from what was recovered from his home, the man had a knack for knowing how to make things, from literal scraps even, and the poverty he endured just drove him to his limits.

    And to read that he wanted to end his own life so that his siblings could live a better one. Fucking hell man.

    Idk how lenient they’ll be to him considering he killed someone so high profile, but I honestly hope he gets another chance. He’s seems like a smart guy with good intentions, but the problems he had to deal with just crushed him mentally.

  4. Looking at Japanese TV, it’s striking how sympathetic to the killer media has become – something I really, really didn’t expect to happen here, it’s a happy surprise I guess. I wish they would talk more about the LDP’s connection to the church though, but I guess it’s hard to do without coming across as if you’re blaming the murder victim.

  5. ‘Donated’? Are you sure Mainichi?
    A bit more journalism might be required here.

  6. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Nikkei Asia (B-): [How Shinzo Abe saved the Japan-U.S. alliance from collapse](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Comment/How-Shinzo-Abe-saved-the-Japan-U.S.-alliance-from-collapse)
    – Economist (A): [Abe Shinzo believed that Japan should assert itself in the world](https://www.economist.com/obituary/2022/07/14/abe-shinzo-believed-that-japan-should-assert-itself-in-the-world)
    – Diplomat (C+): [Ex-Japan PM Abe’s Funeral Draws Foreign Delegates Paying Their Respects](https://thediplomat.com/2022/07/ex-japan-pm-abes-funeral-draws-foreign-delegates-paying-their-respects/)
    – Mainichi Shimbun (C+): [Various flaws found in police security plan for site where ex-PM Abe was shot – The Mainichi](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220715/p2a/00m/0na/006000c)

    [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/vzir12/) | [More: How Shinzo Abe saved the …](https://www.newswall.org/story/how-shinzo-abe-saved-the-japan-u-s-alliance-from-collapse-62d1172c7b18e) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I’m a bot

  7. Moonies are scum regardless of the country they leech off.

    The guy’s thought process is a bit muddled but his revenge logic is solid: N. Kishi helped that scum to preach and fester in Japan and eventually ruin the guy’s family, so he took revenge on Kishi’s family. The rōnin way.

  8. I don’t know why he didn’t just go do something against the church…would be more direct…

  9. This story is just so crazy, and so strange on so many levels! A freak event.

  10. Police need to be held accountable too. It’s pretty appalling they just stood around, oblivious as the assassin took two shots

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