Sites for anime or series sub japanese? or other forms of immersion.

Hello everyone! Do you recommend any place or way to watch Japanese sub anime?

also to read manga in japanese online or other forms of immersion that you recommend?


  1. Netflix is a good source for anime with subs especially with a VPN as you will have way more content to choose from.

    Not going to promote piracy but if you somehow have anime on your PC []( has subs for many anime.

    As for manga, I read manga using a Manga reader which allows me to look up words very easily with Yomichan: []( This also requires having the manga on your PC but I don’t think there is any good alternative that is legal, so what I do is just to purchase the manga I like but still read them with the pirated version as it’s so much more efficient.

    Other forms of immersion really depend on what you like, if you have Netflix, try some dramas too, if you have a kindle, try an easy Japanese book or LN. Youtube is also a great source of immersion, make an account only for Japanese and only search stuff in Japanese that interest you, also mark every non Japanese video on your start up page as “not interested” to tell the algorithm faster that you only want Japanese recommendations.

  2. Surprised Animelon hasn’t been mentioned.
    Disgustingly old format layout, but it’s got what you need probably.

    If you don’t like the layout, then YouTube and Netflix should work with an extension like Iago or Language Reactor.

  3. Hi! I recommend the language reactor extension on chrome, it gives u both english and japanese subs (with furigana) and u can hover your mouse over any words you dont know for an immediate translation!

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