Has anyone had success with Rosetta Stone for Japanese

I’ve tried it for Spanish with some positive results. But spanish is a lot closer to English. I already have it purchased. Just curious if anyone has had success with it in Japanese?

  1. Used it.

    Firstly, they lied about me paying it off so it went into collections.

    Secondly, there were issues like mislabeled furigana. This may have been resolved.

    Third, while the extra readings are fun and tutoring is useful, they’re not the best resources. The readings don’t supplement lessons and the tutoring sessions are very short and follow a script so you can’t practice the language organically.

  2. I spent a few months seriously with Rosetta Stone Japanese. I enjoyed the experience but would not recommend the system for Japanese. It might be better for European languages but I haven’t tried it so can’t comment.

    The pronunciation software was haphazard.

    The Japanese grammar and vocabulary are just so different from English, so that might be a challenge for the RS system.

  3. I completed the program and overall enjoyed it as I like the format, but I recommend doing additional grammar study alongside it as it’s much faster and more efficient to learn the grammar concepts they teach with clear explanations before drilling it in the program and will allow you to get the most out of it, especially for a language as different as Japanese. I felt it helped create a nice foundation of the very basics and helped me get a good starting vocabulary in a good amount of time and in an enjoyable manner, but it is definitely only the very beginning of the journey, though one I’m overall glad I used (again, with supplementary resources) before moving on to other methods. 😊

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