Advice needed re unemployment insurance subsidy from government

Hey all, first time poster and seeking some advice or insight about HelloWork’s
unemployment insurance.

Worked full-time at a company for over 2 years and am eligible for the insurance. My contract expires in August and my company are planning to renew but I need out ASAP. Been meaning to leave for a while since it’s taken a toll mentally and physically.

However, I need the financial support and don’t want to wait 3 months to receive the subsidy in the case of a voluntary resignation. What should I do?

I’ve narrowed it down to 3 alternatives:

A) Being a good human and submitting resignation/completing my contract on my behalf meaning I will need to wait 3 months;

B) Renewing my contract and receiving 3 paid sick & 3 paid personal days, using them and then resigning; or

C) Being a terrible human and forcing them not to renew my contract by acting up, calling in sick and being tardy.

Option A is most aligned with my values and way of doing things. C (as pointed out by some colleagues) would benefit me best financially but I don’t know if I have the heart to play it out.

Any advice or other alternatives I haven’t considered would be greatly appreciated!

From a burnt-out, depressed and over-worked person who is utterly lost to decide for herself

  1. Initially it’s better to not burn bridges. Your stress level & whatever workload you received that caused you mental anguish may reduce after officially resigning.

    Also you choices might differ if you are on a work visa & it’s just you.

  2. Congrats, I have some good news. You don’t need to wait 3 months even if you choose not to renew. It’s a special exception for contract workers.

  3. “Any advice or other alternatives I haven’t considered”

    This part:

    “From a burnt-out, depressed and over-worked person”

    Are you intending to look for work/return to work? I don’t think employment insurance is paid out for people who don’t intend to return to work/look for work. I think you’re required to report into Hello Work… monthly (or maybe weekly?)

    Additionally, if you’re on a work visa and not intending to look for work, then you *may* run into issues with immigration after 3 months.

    My advice would be to look into medical leave (with your current employer) for the burn out/depression. That way when/if you leave you should be able to apply for “extension of unemployment benefit period” due to not being ready to be re employed due to sickness/illness.

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