Inquiring about switching to another network

Good evening,

I tried to research but I’m not sure about these:

a) Wondering if switching from a major carrier to an MVNO (Either short or long term) is a good idea?

b) Can I still keep the mail (Email) address provided by the previous major carrier?

c) Does the MVNO offer a virtual wallet or to accumulate points?

d) (Optional) Any MVNO recommendation or advice?

Thank you ~

Edit: Added context for b) Previous major carrier provided a mail address. I was wondering if I can keep it after I transfer?

Edit 2: Thanks for the answers!

  1. 1. depends on what you want
    2. no, carrier email is a thing only the big 3 (4?) carriers do. MVNOs do not offer carrier email.
    3. haha.
    4. ahamo/au povo/iijmio/many many others. most are pretty similar in price these days.

    edit for edit: no, you can’t keep carrier email address. if that’s important to you, stay with that carrier. or better off use some normal email, carrier mail is something leftover from like decades ago

  2. maybe



    don’t lock yourself into a contract you don’t understand

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