Suggestions for a 3-day itenary

Hello! I have a trip planned with my friends in August this year but I have 3 days “free” for myself as I’ll be heading over early.

My interests includes photography. diving and surfing.

I generally prefer outdoor/scenic locations such as beaches/mountains/waterfalls/parks/cultural places/heritage sites.


The general plan is that I’ll be meeting my friends on the 4th day, at night in Tokyo and we will be hiking Mt Fuji on the 6th day.- I thought of going for a dive but I wouldn’t want to risk any injuries prior to the Fuji hike.


\*My original plan was that:

***Day 1***: Arrive at Kansai Airport (KIX) in the morning. Spend half a day making my way to Koyasan, and explore the area for the rest of the day. Visit Okunoin Cemetery at night and sleep in the shrine.

***Day 2***: Leave Koyasan in the morning and make my way to Nachi Falls (where google says it will take \~10h). Sleep at some hotel in the area.

***Day 3:*** Leave Kii-Katsuura in the morning and head towards Yunomine Onsen (google says it will take about 3.5h). After snapping some photos (and trying out the onsen if there’s time), I’ll make my way to a hotel in Tokyo (google says it will take about 8h). I’ll rest for the day and meet my friends on Day 4.


However, this seems too packed/rushed and there are still some other places in the Wakayama region like the Sandanbeki Cliffs/Caves and Senjojiki Rock Plateau that I want to visit. I’m considering skipping Yunomine Onsen for these. Please also advise if Yunomine Onsen is worth a trip.

As Japan is a fairly large country, I don’t think I will want to visit any of the same prefectures again in the future.


Which is why I would love it if you guys can suggest a prefecture with nice scenic places that can be easily covered in 3 days.


Appreciate any advice/help here.

  1. So… you like train or nature? To me it look like you will spend lot of time in the train if you do it.

  2. Tokyo to Koyasan is a 6 hour trip each way, at least. Google maps makes it look shorter but does not factor in walking around the Osaka stations to change, or the fact that the Nankai express trains don’t run very frequently so you may spend time waiting. It is not realistic to do that trip on a 3 day itinerary.

    You should stay in Tokyo – lots to do and see there for 3 days! You could consider a day trip to one of the surrounding areas. Or spend 3 days in Kyoto.

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