Older men with no sexual interest in women at risk of earlier death

Older men with no sexual interest in women at risk of earlier death


  1. It could well be the other way around. People with subtle health conditions might be less interested in relationships.
    You’d need a much larger sample and test conditions to come to a solid conclusion

  2. I think the obvious connection being that old men WITHOUT sex drive LIKELY have a **disfunction** somewhere in the body, which can be indicative of serious medical conditions.

    TLDR: The human body comes WITH sexual drive. If NO sexual drive = SOMETHING IS WRONG -> You Be Serisouly SICK.

  3. There should be a mandatory class in journalism school on causation vs. coorellation, and causal direction.

  4. So since Japanese people, men included, have some of the longest life expectancy in the World this should mean that their interest in women is high.

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