(complicated) how to get money here from an american debit card

So I have 2 debit cards linked to American accounts, let’s say A and B. Card A is in America so I can’t use it here, but I have a pic of it so I know the number and stuff.

Card B is here with me, but my account is -$200 (lmao). How can I use money from card A? Is there any type of transfer thing? I have a Japanese bank account, IC cards, and LINE pay. Thank you.

  1. Can you not log into your bank’s website for account A and do a transfer to account B?

  2. So you have -100 dollars and want to know how to withdraw money? Find a part time job.

  3. It’s an extreme long shot, but you might be able to “pay” yourself using PayPal. You’d need Japanese and US PayPal accounts, linked to your respective bank accounts via two different email addresses. This would probably take time. I recommend trying to find a better solution, like a friend or relative who can send you some dough. Good luck.

  4. It sounds like you’re short of money before payday.
    If you have pictures of the front and back, you might be able to register the card on Google or Apple pay. It will let you use contactless with your phone in place of your card. I don’t know what your bank’s verification process for that will be like, though.

    You could also try registering it to the pasmo app. I remember this needing less verification and it will still let you buy food at 7/11s.

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