Good alternatives tasks to presentation?

Does anyone have any good alternatives to presentations as a final project for a unit?

Stuff I have done in the past

1. kids making polls
2. kids making board games
3. expert group choice (kids make x and then everyone shares and decides. Stuff like fusions goods, travel itineraries, etc.)
4. Various takes on stuck on an island
5. I want to try a thing where a kids make internet quiz but its rather involved and have not simplified it enough.


Does anyone have anything they have done that has worked particularly well? I am not against presentations just feel it gets overdone here.

  1. Do your kids have tablets?
    I had my kids make presentations – but instead of presenting in front of the class they made it a video presentation using the options available for video presentations in PowerPoint.
    Adding video / gifs and animation. Some of the students really seemed to enjoy it.

  2. Have you varied the types of presentations?

    I.e. Powerpoint, posters, interview/role-play… lots of ways to mix things up.

    I would also second u/Danstucal81 idea. Depending on the level of the kids you can also have them make more advanced videos on iPads / smartphones (though this requires a good bit of skill.)

    I’ve also seen teachers have kids make radio/TV shows as another form of presentation.

  3. I made them do a poster presentation, you know, like in universities. just give them an issue, ask them to put causes, effects an solutions on it.

  4. A little hard to say without some context for the unit/level, but some things I’ve done/seen:

    -Travel plan (with some light budgeting/choosing different locations, can add a directions-giving component)
    -Local festival research with the purpose of creating documents that your local gov’t could use to help English speakers understand their history/traditions
    -Having kids make a survey about a question for local English speakers (or about their school for their fellow classmates) – Google Forms is good about that
    -Writing recipes (either researching Japanese/local recipes to put into English, or else researching recipes relevant to a particular country/region/culture and having students provide information about that)
    -As for an “internet quiz”, maybe creating some sort of “choose-your-own-adventure” with a slideshow

  5. One year we did commercials. Students designed a product, drew a poster advertisement, wrote a script, and after it was checked for content and grammar, they memorized their scripts and recorded a commercial. Then we played the commercials for the class.

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