Studying for JLPT N4

Heya! I’m studying Japanese for 1 and half year now and I’ve learned a lot since I started, but you know, work and college can be exhausting and I think I could have improved my skills better if I had more time.

Fortunately, now I have a decent schedule so I’m taking more hours to focus on Japanese and I’m thinking about applying to the JLPT N4 this year. I’ve been searching for some grammar and vocab content, but didn’t find anything really effective.

I mean, when you search for “JLPT N4 Kanji” you find a lot of results, but when you’re searching for a good explanation for grammar and stuff, it’s a bit hard do find. Maybe I’m doing it on the wrong way so decided to ask here if you know any sites or free PDFs I could use to study.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Bunpro lets you drill the grammar points by JLPT level, and is quite effective

    ToKini Andy has really good playlists for reviewing the grammar

  2. Have you tried They are currently making N4 grammar content right now.

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