Final itinerary 8 days 7 nights family of 3 in Tokyo

Been lurking here for a while. This week is finally my family’s turn to visit Japan. My wife and I have been to Japan multiple times, but this will the first trip for our 6 year old son. We are landing at HND at around 5 AM so we have a full day even on the first day.

5/28 Sunday East Tokyo

The usual — get Suica, get our JR Pass. Since we are landing so early, we will be dropping off our luggage at the hotel first (Prince Shinagawa).

Senso-ji -> Kimono Rental (for wifey) -> Snacks/Lunch around Kaminarimon Gate/Nakamise -> Tokyo Skytree

5/29 Monday DisneySea (full day)

5/30 Tuesday Central Tokyo

Tsukiji Outer Market (probably will lunch/snack there) -> Tokyo Station -> Imperial Palace East Garden -> Chiku Chiku Hedgehog Cafe -> Ninja Tokyo (Dinner)

5/31 Wednesday West Tokyo

Meiji Shrine -> Shibuya Crossing -> Yakiniku lunch -> Harajuku -> Shibuya SKY (5:30 PM entrance) -> Dinner at Shibuya yokocho or the new Kabuchicho Tower

6/1 Thursday Ghibli + Odaiba

Ghibli Museum -> TeamLab Planets -> Odaiba (Gundam, Statue of Liberty, Rainbow bridge, Diver City)

I couldn’t booked a time for Ghibli museum with the “international” website, but was able to secure a spot with the Japanese website. I had to reshuffle my itinerary to accommodate whatever Ghibli entrance time I can find.

6/2 Friday Kawaguchiko

Will do a day trip to Kawaguchiko. Booked Fuji Excursion. However, I will be monitoring the weather closely, if it is forecasted to rain, then I will cancel the trip and replace it with something indoor. Doesn’t make sense to spend hours on travel to see Mt Fuji covered with clouds.

Even if weather is good, I am debating how many steps my son can take to get to the Arakurayama Sengen Park…

Backup Plan for bad weather – Historical Town Sawara

6/3 Saturday Yokohama

Cup Noodles Museum -> Cosmoworld -> Gundam Factory -> Chinatown

6/4 Sunday North Tokyo

Ueno Ameyoko -> Shopping somewhere -> Pack and go to airport

P.S. Love my T-mobile plan — just checked and it comes with 5GB high speed data free, so even though I d/led Ubigi I don’t think I need to use it.

  1. Hi!

    If this is planned itinerary and you don’t have plans to go elsewhere in Japan, what sort of JR Pass are you even getting?

    Is that a typo?

    Do you just mean a Suica?

    Good luck!

  2. I would push DisneySea later in the week before the weekend, I can imagine a jet lagged 6 year old having a rough time, especially if you’re not staying in Urayasu to take a nap.

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