Working as an LPN in Japan process?

Language proficiency aside what else would I need to do in order to work in japan as a nurse?

Will I be able to live there forever or only temporary?

Can I make a living?

How is nursing work in Japan?

Is it difficult for foreigners to get work there?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Working as an LPN in Japan process?**

    Language proficiency aside what else would I need to do in order to work in japan as a nurse?

    Will I be able to live there forever or only temporary?

    Can I make a living?

    How is nursing work in Japan?

    Is it difficult for foreigners to get work there?

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  2. You would need to pass the national license exam which would be in Japanese. You would need above native level to be able to understand the medical terminology. Which from my understanding is quite difficult. Depending what country you are coming from the UK,USA. This would be a step down. More like a glorified nursing assistant.

    Age would also be a determiner. It’s possible but very very difficult.

    You can work as a foreigner but again you need perfect Japanese so there are no miscommunications, med errors.

    I’m a nurse who’s looked into this I have many nurse friends in Japan. Some have foreigners working with them.

  3. This [nursing question]( question is asked here weekly and the answer is:

    > The basic answer is that foreign medical / nursing qualifications do not generally allow you to work as a nurse or doctor in Japan, while getting Japanese qualifications requires extremely high (native-level) Japanese language abilities to pass the exams. You can use the subreddit search function to find previous discussions on this topic, or check out a detailed guide to working as a medical professional in Japan on the [**subreddit wiki**](

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