Protest condemns the ‘imperialist’ G7 summit happening in Hiroshima

Protest condemns the ‘imperialist’ G7 summit happening in Hiroshima

  1. Full text of the tweet :

    > Big protest condemns the ‘imperialist’ G7 summit happening in Hiroshima

    > For Biden to bring the nuclear football to a city where the US killed over 100,000 civilians with a nuclear bomb is a grave offense to the victims’ memory, demonstrators say

    (I left off the ‘big’ when submitting, as it’s not really clear from the footage how big the protest is)

  2. What’s the bet that the person who downvoted this submission is a US American ?

    *If* that’s the case, consider how arrogant it is of that person to think they have the right to censor (downvote) news of a protest by Japanese people in a Japanese city in a subreddit devoted to news about Japan.

  3. I mean.. for the last 20 years its just customary for the president to have it close by.

  4. In Japan, both freedom of speech and freedom of demonstration are guaranteed.
    There have always been a certain number of Japanese who speak unrealistic editorials. They are the remnants of this group, which has already become a rare and mysterious entity in today’s world of online discourse.
    I, as a Japanese, feel ashamed that the existence of such demonstrations are reported to the world, but I am also proud of this country that guarantees the freedom to hold such demonstrations.

  5. A more suitable protest would be to point out that the G7 is increasingly irrelevant in the multi- polar world we are moving into.

  6. These people are idiots. Every world leader with a nuclear arsenal should pay a visit to Hiroshima in order to understand the full gravity of what these weapons can do, and why they shouldn’t be so flippant about discussing their use. They are terrible weapons.

  7. Everyone downvoting OP’s comments is a clown, he’s actually making good points.

  8. I mean…..I get it

    It is a very uninformed stance to take

    but, I get it

  9. The irony of them using the word ‘imperialist’ in their protest is very rich.

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