i’m taking the july JLPT N5 test and i’m finding the reading section very difficult

the reading section always seems confusing and i hardly ever get it right. especially the notice/poster/letter type question.
what should i do to increase the probability of getting the answer right.
any other N5 vocab, kanji and listening related tips to pass is welcome 🙂
thanks in advance

  1. For the listening – there are several sample jlpt n5 listening tests on Youtube which I found really useful.

    Just in general, the more practice tests you can do for it the better. The JLPT has very specific types of questions. Try to do a timed test in advance if you can to get a feel for your pacing. I found I had to work faster than I’d expected. During the exam I had a complete blank on one of the kanji questions and knew I just had to move on and come back to that one at the end rather than staring at it and hoping the answer would come to.

    Good luck with it, I’m sure you’ll be fine when you get in there.

  2. Review grammar, review kanji, and keep practicing. That’s all you can really do. I recommend reading NHK easy news

  3. Could you analyze why exactly you failed at the tests after seeing the answer? Maybe show an example task that you failed and explain how you came to the conclusion? There’s really tons of possibilities that could lead to this. Usually the questions are structured in a way that two answers are obviously wrong and two can only be differentiated by some detail. That might be a grammar point, vocabulary-related or even related to collecting information of sentences without forgetting. Depending on what you get wrong the suggestions could be vastly different.

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